Questions For Poker Clinics with Gank

March 10, 2008

It’s just about time for the Poker Clinics with Gank – two bonus sessions for our Poker Underground members…

The first session will be on March 15th at 1 p.m. EST.  You will receive email instructions for connecting to this event, if you’re a Poker Underground member.  The session will be live with Gank.  We’ll take audience questions in advance via this blog entry.

Please post your questions for Gank here on this blog entry as “Comments” (use the link below to reply to this blog entry).

The topics for the first session will include:

 – Reading Your Opponents More Effectively

 – Determining Hand Ranges

 – Effective Shoving Strategies

 We will be taking questions here on the blog up to and during the event, so be sure to get yours queued up first!

